I gave this cake an extra oommphh of cream cheese and less sugar...because the apple raspberry fillings are bit sweet and slightly sour to my taste. Initially this cake is pinky in colour but...this cake is for her BF.. (I assume that her BF don't like pink cake!!) ... so I cover it up with fresh cream , side with one of my favourite orange tang flavour chocolate and topped it up with mandarin slices, grapes and red cherries!! Recently.. I love to use mandarin slices because I myself is in love with its juiciness and sweetness.. Just love it!! So You will find it in most of my cakes!!ahahah
Yusrina commented that the cake is PERFECT!! (but still i cannot kambang..mesti got room to improve!!) for everyone in the house, not sweet and the family finish all the cake.. (which is a good news!!!) Her Bf also like the card I made for him and Yusrina said her BF was impressed with my creativity....
OOHH my gosh.. I am so touch and Happy to receive her comments as it was such a great compliment for me...I remembered I could even smile in my dream!!! Thanks Yusrina for your support and comments!! I am glad this is such a happy ending!! You happy... I pun happy...